The Rotary Club of Cleveland cultivates a diverse community of informed professionals working collectively to create a positive impact by exchanging ideas, forming meaningful, lifelong friendships, and giving back to our community.
Dial by your location
929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 814 8000 5757
Passcode: 032655
Melissa Conetti-Lamb
Celine's Donations Manager, Zelie's Home
Melissa is also a graduate student at John Carroll University in the Clinical Mental Heath Program. in her role, she works with donor relations, inventory management, donation requests, etc. She works primarily with Stephanie Thomas, Therese's Donations Manager. She will be speaking about her specific role at Zelie's Home. Zelie's Home history, missions, and the organization as a whole.
Zelie’s Home is a caring community that empowers pregnant and parenting women to take positive and effective action on behalf of themselves and their children by providing physical, emotional, spiritual, and professional support.
Both the International Service and Vocational Service Committee's will meet after our virtual meeting
1:00 p.m. using the lunch zoom link
Club Assembly - Make your attendance a priority!
November 9th is our first Club Assembly for this Rotary year. This is a perfect opportunity to be part of discussions relevant to our meeting format, volunteer events, speaker series, and committee activities. Learn about what we have planned and bring idea's of what we can do in the future!
Are you aware we have a 50 person guarantee for our in person meetings at Windows on the River? Be a part of the solution and help us fill the room!
"Service Above Self" Volunteer Opportunities
Wizard of Oz Volunteer opportunity
Theatre Agape presents an inclusive and adaptive production of the Wizard of Oz. Our Foundation supported Theatre Agape with a $4,700 grant that pays for ASL during 3 production along with the adaptive equipment. We are looking for 10 volunteers to help usher and assist with concession stand sales.
Saturday November 11th, production starts at 7:30 p.m. - Volunteers need to arrive by 6:30 p.m.
Disciples Christian Church - 3663 Mayfield Rd. - Cleveland Heights 44121
RSVP to Sharon at the Rotary Office
St. Augustine Community Cupboard
They are open 2x per week to allow those in need to receive 15 personal & food items, and 15 clothing items in 2 separate rooms. The volunteers help with greeting, checking in & out, and navigating the crowd, carrying items for those who need help, sanitizing the grocery baskets used, and stocking shelves, etc.
Upcoming volunteer dates and times:
Saturday, December 9th., 2023 from 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 20th., 2023 from 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Where: St. Augustine Community Cupboard, 2486 W. 14th St., Cleveland, OH 44113
Please RSVP to the Rotary Office at
Painting at the Merrick House - mark your calendars now!
What: Help paint 2 large daycare rooms at the Merrick House
When: Both Friday November 17th 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. and Saturday
November 18th, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Where: Merrick House located at 1050 Starkweather Ave. CLE 44113
Details: We will have all of the painting supplies, only thing needed is
disposable gloves if you prefer. Please let the Rotary office know if
you can help!
Greater Cleveland Food Bank
Upcoming Volunteer Days Tuesday November 14th and Wednesday November 15th 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. if interested email or
American Red Cross Blood Donor Day, November 2, 2023
The Red Cross – which supplies ~40% of the nation’s blood – is experiencing its worst blood shortage in 10+ years & has been forced to limit blood products sent to hospitals. Patient care is at risk! Sign up to give ASAP & help overcome this blood crisis:
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