Rotary Works! is a program within the Rotary Club of Cleveland that focuses on professional development among members and promotes Rotarians doing business with Rotarians.  Offering like minded individuals to share the same business values and ethics.

Every 3rd Tuesday this group will meet at Karpinski Engineering, located at 3135 Euclid Ave., CLE 

Free Parking

Guests are welcome

Rotary Works Agenda

8:00 am Doors open

8:25 am Meeting begins

Purpose of Rotary Works:  As Rotarians, we have always appreciated the opportunities membership presents to do business with like-minded individuals who share the same business values and ethics. 

Member introductions

60 seconds (will be timed)

  • Who do you serve?

  • What problem do you solve?

  • Who is your ideal referral?

8:45 am One person/ business in-depth

10 minutes maximum (will be timed)

  • Describes your business in more depth

  • Ask the group for help in solving a business problem

  • Share your career path

8:55 am

Thank you for referrals

We thank anyone who was able to make a referral or introduce us to someone 

9:00 am  - Hard Stop